Files in the latest check-in sorted by filename
File ages are expressed relative to the check-in time of 2024-10-24 15:12:54.
configuration2024-10-24 15:12:54
- .fossil-settings214.9 days
- ignore-glob214.9 days
- bincurrent
- account1.75 years
- address7.63 years
- alarm6.41 years
- alarmclock7.09 years
- aweb6.41 years
- B3.74 years
- bookmark8.08 years
- c+8.15 years
- c-6.04 years
- cdrip5.80 years
- doasedit7.09 years
- E3.62 years
- getemail7.00 years
- gg4.45 years
- hrcurrent
- i+8.97 years
- i-8.97 years
- mail1.79 years
- Email1.79 years
- q+4.45 years
- q-4.45 years
- qfmt3.94 years
- qfmt24.07 years
- qfmt34.07 years
- mkarticle7.63 years
- mon2.80 years
- nobs6.61 years
- pagefmt4.11 years
- pkg4.11 years
- buildsdb6.37 years
- community4.11 years
- testing4.11 years
- plumbsel8.15 years
- pman8.15 years
- rip5.80 years
- run-or-raise2.18 years
- template3.74 years
- unbotch_clipboard6.71 years
- w7z2.20 years
- winclear4.73 years
- wrap1.79 years
- 9term2.20 years
- acme2.20 years
- adb4.11 years
- alsamixer7.42 years
- calc2.95 years
- ch1.79 years
- chromium7.46 years
- dict4.11 years
- discord3.53 years
- evolution4.11 years
- firefox5.12 years
- fossil2.20 years
- gimp7.55 years
- git4.73 years
- go3.83 years
- ledger6.99 years
- lualatex2.43 years
- lutris2.11 years
- makepkg3.22 years
- mk4.11 years
- mpc7.08 years
- mpv2.12 years
- mutt2.99 years
- pacman2.50 years
- pass4.45 years
- rmapi3.11 years
- rosegarden7.09 years
- scp7.55 years
- seahorse4.11 years
- signoff4.73 years
- ssh7.51 years
- sshfs7.00 years
- steam6.39 years
- svn6.39 years
- win6.39 years
- xdg-open7.42 years
- zoom4.11 years
- wttr3.43 years
- cfg214.1 days
- acme8.07 years
- default.acme8.07 years
- ledger.acme8.42 years
- cower8.63 years
- config8.63 years
- dmenu9.02 years
- font9.02 years
- dunst8.87 years
- dunstrc8.87 years
- environment.d1.79 years
- ssh_askpass.conf1.79 years
- fontconfig5.12 years
- conf.d5.12 years
- 01-globals.conf5.12 years
- 02-serif.conf5.12 years
- 03-sans.conf5.12 years
- 04-mono.conf5.12 years
- 05-serif_substitutes.conf5.12 years
- 06-sans_substitutes.conf5.12 years
- 07-mono_substitutes.conf5.12 years
- 08-misc_substitutes.conf5.12 years
- frotz8.42 years
- frotz.conf8.42 years
- gconf9.02 years
- desktop9.02 years
- %gconf.xml9.02 years
- gnome9.02 years
- %gconf.xml9.02 years
- interface9.02 years
- %gconf.xml9.02 years
- git2.99 years
- config2.99 years
- gtk-2.07.09 years
- config7.09 years
- gtk-3.0214.9 days
- settings.ini214.9 days
- htop2.53 years
- htoprc2.53 years
- i3214.9 days
- assign.conf214.9 days
- basics.conf2.86 years
- config215.0 days
- games.conf2.86 years
- i3bar.conf2.86 years
- keys.conf2.86 years
- workspaces.conf2.86 years
- i3blocks2.11 years
- config2.11 years
- i3status2.50 years
- config2.50 years
- kdeglobals1.79 years
- ledger1.79 years
- ledgerrc1.79 years
- mail5.39 years
- mailrc5.39 years
- mpd4.45 years
- mpd.conf4.45 years
- mpDris22.11 years
- mpDris2.conf2.11 years
- mpv2.12 years
- config2.12 years
- input.conf3.53 years
- msmtp3.20 years
- msmtp.conf3.20 years
- mutt2.99 years
- aliases5.50 years
- basic3.77 years
- headers4.07 years
- keybindings7.05 years
- macros4.07 years
- mailcap3.94 years
- muttrc3.53 years
- pgp2.99 years
- send4.07 years
- pacman2.50 years
- makepkg.conf2.50 years
- pam3.43 years
- environment3.43 years
- procmail6.37 years
- procmailrc6.37 years
- ratpoison9.02 years
- config9.02 years
- readline9.02 years
- inputrc9.02 years
- retroarch3.25 years
- joypads8.42 years
- default.cfg8.42 years
- years
- years
- years
- recording.cfg9.01 years
- retroarch-core-options.cfg3.25 years
- retroarch.cfg3.25 years
- sanchismo5.73 years
- config5.73 years
- surf5.80 years
- script.js9.02 years
- styles5.80 years
- aur.css5.80 years
- default.css9.02 years
- github.css6.75 years
- surfraw5.12 years
- bookmarks6.93 years
- conf5.12 years
- sway4.11 years
- config4.11 years
- sx214.2 days
- sxrc214.2 days
- sxhkd214.1 days
- sxhkdrc214.1 days
- systemd214.9 days
- user214.9 days
- fontsrv.service9.02 years
- getmail.service7.05 years
- getmail.timer9.02 years
- mpd-notification.service.d4.11 years
- musicdir.conf4.11 years
- mpd.service7.87 years
- mpris-proxy.service2.20 years
- playerctld.service2.11 years
- plumber.service214.9 days
- sndiod.service7.55 years
- ssh-agent.service4.07 years
- syncthing.service.d3.39 years
- confdir.conf3.39 years
- transmission.service9.02 years
- terminal-colors.d9.02 years
- disable9.02 years
- termite8.42 years
- config8.42 years
- user-dirs.dirs1.75 years
- user-dirs.locale2.11 years
- xorg3.77 years
- compose9.02 years
- xrdb3.77 years
- data3.83 years
- firefox3.83 years
- .mozilla3.83 years
- firefox3.83 years
- jo6txggc.default-release3.83 years
- chrome3.83 years
- userChrome.css3.83 years
- userContent.css5.12 years
- templates4.60 years
- article.html7.63 years
- c7.06 years
- clang-format4.60 years
- PKGBUILD4.73 years
- rc8.08 years
- story.tex4.60 years
- tags5.69 years
- tex.mk4.60 years
- lib32 seconds
- acme4.02 years
- acme.rc4.02 years
- calibre3.11 years
- torm3.11 years
- environment214.9 days
- firefox2.50 years
- open_with_linux.py2.50 years
- i3blocks2.09 years
- mpd2.19 years
- mpdsymbol2.19 years
- playing2.09 years
- playingsymbol2.11 years
- plumb32 seconds
- edit4.92 years
- github6.59 years
- image3.78 years
- man4.07 years
- misc32 seconds
- paste6.59 years
- plumbing3.74 years
- plumbman6.55 years
- reference5.80 years
- unweb2.32 years
- video4.01 years
- profile1.79 years
- LICENSE4.07 years
- README8.63 years